We Make IT Work.
The Advantages of Honeywell Mobility Edge
If your goal is to streamline operational processes, empower employees and drive business growth and revenue, you’ve come to the right place. If you’re dreaming of an enterprise environment where all devices are seamlessly connected and work as part of a cohesive ecosystem, you’re still in the right place, and your dreams just became reality!
Strategically improving workflow performance with automated solutions is what Barcom is all about. In this fast-paced, dynamic IT industry, you need a solutions provider with technical engineers, programmers and network specialists with expertise in bar code automation and RFID solutions, delivering proven and trusted results to benefit your warehouse, plant, field service operations and distribution center. From shipping and receiving, to materials handling and order fulfillment, keeping your workers securely connected improves overall worker satisfaction, performance and productivity.
Providing your employees with an agile and adaptable approach to their workday is a game changer.
Thanks to the Mobility Edge™ platform from Honeywell, being in the right place at the right time has innumerous benefits! We’re talking about seamless integration of devices across your entire enterprise, instilling greater security, product longevity and dependability. Barcom solution specialists have the proficiency and training to help you configure, deploy and support mobile solutions efficiently and securely.
Increased worker satisfaction leads to increased worker productivity. In that effort, the Honeywell Mobility Edge platform delivers equipment that is intuitive and user friendly, designed with rugged durability and ergonomic comfort. Data capture is faster, easier and more secure. This means training new employees and seasonal workers just got significantly easier and less expensive. Even employees with different levels of experience and time on the job can adapt more quickly and with less frustration. With Mobility Edge solutions, you will empower your workers with cutting-edge technology and create an environment with interconnected devices – saving time, money and sanity!
A dynamic and unified hardware and software platform, Honeywell’s Mobility Edge is a suite of tools designed to extend product lifecycle and streamline the implementation of new devices. Applications can be validated and updated just once across all form factors, instead of laboriously and painstakingly done one device at a time. Acting as a foundation on which all future mobile computers are being built, Mobility Edge solutions are not only equipped to deal with imminent advancements in technology, they embrace them.
Being in the right place at the right time means nothing without uncompromising security.
Safeguarding data and mitigating security vulnerabilities is and always will be one of the most critical elements of enterprise mobility. So, what about Mobility Edge security? That question has been asked and abundantly answered with Honeywell’s robust cyber security capabilities and the latest security patches, updates and support.
Let’s recap the benefits of operating on the Mobility Edge platform:
Increased ROI
- Unified architecture enables certification of a mobile solution once, then deploys to many devices
- Complete suite of tools that are common across the entire portfolio of products
- Central management interface for provisioning, certifying and deploying new apps and software updates
Optimized Performance and Efficiency
- System on module (SOM) Android-based platform
- Customized user experience for employees
- Maximized productivity via learning engines
- Security patch support and Honeywell’s Cyber Security protection
- Platform monitored by Honeywell’s Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT), with rapid response times
- Compatible with 4 generations of Android operating systems (N-Q), extending product lifecycle
If you’re ready for the Mobility Edge platform to revolutionize your enterprise environment through integrated workflows, streamlined operations and increased profitability, contact us today!
4136B Jersey Pike, Chattanooga, TN 37421
Phone (423) 855-1822 | Fax (423) 499-6317
BARCOM, INC. • sales@barcominc.com • 423-855-1822