We Make IT Work.
It’s time to take control
Proper shop floor control means effective integration of the daily production schedule, master production schedule and MRP (materials requirements planning), giving workers easy access to real-time information.
If you’re looking to maintain or increase your competitive advantage, your shop floor operations must take top priority. Proper tracking and feedback of shop floor activity are key, and require access to information about workflows and schedules so you can make the right decisions for each work center.
Optimize daily schedules
Empower your employees
Anticipate demand for resources
Create a successful production plan
Efficiency is achieved when equipment and process comes together. With Barcom’s transACTION software, you can control and manage operations at the shop floor level, which increases the accuracy of data and productivity of your workers.
Combine transACTION with the use of mobile computers workers and management can more easily identify areas that need attention including employees, processes and machinery.
Benefits of shop floor control include being able to:
- Execute and release work orders based on priority
- Achieve greater visibility to real-time status of work in progress and finished goods
- Have a solid understanding of material usage and availability
- Improve inventory planning
- Effectively employ changes that will provide reliable revision of BOM (bill of materials) and processes for the production team.
- Automate control of equipment and data to reduce data entry errors and increase worker productivity.
When mobile computing devices are utilized, greater efficiencies result. This is due to an improved flow of communication from being anywhere on the shop floor to access real-time data without having to access the network from a particular workstation. Mobile devices are not only time savers, but are more efficient overall for management and shop floor personnel
RockTenn Retail Solutions has been a transACTION user since 2008. Our Link PerfectPak™ system is powered by the transACTION core framework. Utilizing this system, we have achieved 100% order fill rate, and since implementing transACTION, RockTenn Retail Solutions has performed over 1.9 million picking operations with fewer than 200 pick errors or 99.999% pick accuracy.
– M. Miller, Director IT – Retail Solutions
4136B Jersey Pike, Chattanooga, TN 37421
Phone (423) 855-1822 | Fax (423) 499-6317
BARCOM, INC. • sales@barcominc.com • 423-855-1822