Transition Plan Starts Here
The end of support for Windows® Mobile and 3G networks means the 4G transition is well underway. So what’s a smart and savvy way to board the 4G train with little disruption? We suggest upgrading to a mobile solution built on a modern OS, powered by LTE.
Not only will this move get you where you need to be, it will allow you to tap into faster speeds, an improved user experience, heighten control over security upgrades and position you to take advantage of benefits from the IoT.
To ease your OS and 4G transition, we recommend products built on the Honeywell Mobility Edge™ platform. Rugged, scalable devices supported through Android™, they offer a repeatable and extensible approach for deploying and managing mobile solutions across your enterprises, with less risk and less cost.
You can rely on Barcom to help you with OS migration and 4G transition. Our professional and technical services experts have years of experience in application development, RFID and wireless networking, hardware set-up and deployment, and much more. Take the burden off your internal IT staff and let us provide the support you need to exceed your goals, control costs and create more loyal customers.
Looking to maximize your ROI and a smooth transition from Windows Mobile?
Barcom can help you identify the right devices and solutions. Contact us today to learn how we can help you make a seamless transition.
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Honeywell and Mobility Edge is a trademark or registered trademark of Honeywell International, Inc. Windows is a trademark or registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Android is a trademark or registered trademark of Google Inc.