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Expanding Capabilities on the Manufacturing Floor with Fixed Scanning & Machine Vision
Continuing the discussion from our previous blog about technology innovations in scanning and machine vision from Zebra that allows organizations to implement a total solution for automated traceability, sorting, visual inspections, and more, it’s worth expanding on the fact that you can use these fixed industrial devices as machine vision solutions by simply upgrading your software license.
Zebra’s FIS devices are also dual-purpose solutions with MV capabilities built in, so you can use the same advanced imaging and vision technology to inspect, count, or verify parts, subassemblies, assemblies, process steps, and finished goods. For example, you can configure Zebra MV devices to visually check parts or finished products against specifications, confirm that correct parts have been used or installed, validate that key production processes have been completed, and automate component or product counts.
Adopting machine vision is a great way to minimize the time, labor, and potential errors that are frequently a problem with manual visual inspections done with the naked eye. And it’s arguably one of the fastest and easiest ways to improve product quality almost overnight.
Simplifying Setup and Integration
One of the biggest challenges for many fixed scanning and machine vision deployments has been the fact that many devices don’t come with built-in lenses or customizable lighting right out of the box. It can be very difficult and time-consuming to set up and integrate these devices because their software has been a nightmare to use. In some cases, it takes an entire patchwork of solutions to get to the desired result, and there are many hassles and headaches along the way.
Fortunately, Zebra made solving these problems a top priority with its fixed scanning and machine vision launch, and the end result is its Aurora software, which is the first of its kind to actually make the whole process simple and hassle-free. It’s all based on three things that customers told Zebra they really wanted when it comes to fixed scanning and machine vision:
Easy to set up
With Zebra’s software, it doesn’t take days or weeks to set up, configure, and deploy your fixed scanning or machine vision devices. You simply use one software platform with an incredibly user-friendly interface that walks you through the entire process, keeps things simple, and can get you up and running in as little as 15 minutes.
Easy to deploy
Zebra’s FIS and MV solutions are designed for out-of-the-box simplicity, even though they also pack powerful data capture and vision technology into relatively tiny devices. This way, you can easily install your devices where you need them, configure them with automated programming tools, and start getting trusted decoding performance and visual inspection results right away.
Easy to integrate
Zebra’s devices come with built-in Ethernet/IP with Add-On Profile, PROFINET, and other network protocols, so you can integrate these devices painlessly and easily with any common PLC or host system. You can also integrate them seamlessly with third-party software applications and systems you might use, such as your MES or ERP.
How to Learn More About Zebra FIS and MV Solutions
If you’re looking for a way to achieve better traceability, automate more processes, and automate visual inspections, Zebra’s FIS and MV solutions are definitely worth a closer look. You can learn more about them right now by clicking here, then contacting us to request additional specifications and a personalized demo.
Our experts can also help you evaluate these technologies for your application, recommend specific solutions, and even help you design and deploy a fixed scanning or machine vision system on site. Contact Barcom now to schedule a discovery call and learn more about what we can do to help.

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