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Evaluating Workflows in your Warehouse or DC

Yearly planning is a critical piece of keeping your business competitive, safe, productive and profitable.  As we approach the new year, we  don’t think twice about putting together a fresh new business strategy, organizational alignment, budget and forecast.  This is also a good time to take a closer look at operations, and evaluate areas of the business that may need improvement. Included in that review should be your picking and packing workflows, since these processes are key in growing and evolving your business, keeping workers safe and remaining competitive.

It can often be difficult to adequately evaluate your processes without judgment, but if you’ve got a solution partner you can rely on for recommendations, along with advice and information on the latest trends and technology, then consider scheduling a warehouse walk-through with them to get an expert opinion on areas that could use some improvement.

The picking and packing process

One of the biggest bottlenecks in a warehouse is the picking & packing process.  Workflow productivity can be impeded by workers who have difficulty locating items in inventory or picking the wrong item for an order.  Alleviating manual processes and incorporating barcoding technology for inventory and order management can simplify tasks for workers and virtually eliminate errors.

We are sharing this Honeywell blog today, because we think it’s a great example of a starting point to get you thinking about your packing workflow and even gain some best practice tips that can help you increase accuracy and productivity.  It includes observations from a real-life distribution center with recommendations and best practices.

We invite you to take a few minutes to read through this article, then contact Barcom to schedule a walk-through evaluation of your own.  Our history of knowledge and experience in warehouse and manufacturing workflows, combined with our long-standing partnership with Honeywell, can help you plan more mindfully for the new year and budget adequately based on your business processes and unique needs.

We’d like to know what you think! Contact us today to start the conversation.


4136B Jersey Pike, Chattanooga, TN 37421

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